Under the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 it is illegal to:
Sell tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age;
Purchase tobacco products for use by persons under 18 years of age;
Product prices include all taxes
Davidoff Cigars: Time Beautifully filled
Welcome to Sydney Cigar House, your premier destination for luxury Davidoff Cigars. Renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship and superior quality. Time is simply a moment, waiting to be filled. Allow Davidoff Cigars to fill it beautifully.
$120.80 – $2,719.00 incl. GST
$30.00 – $541.00 incl. GST
$140.00 incl. GST
$80.80 incl. GST
$53.00 – $1,191.00 incl. GST
$67.30 – $1,513.00 incl. GST
$88.00 – $800.00 incl. GST
$80.00 incl. GST
$93.00 incl. GST
Under the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 it is illegal to:
Sell tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age;
Purchase tobacco products for use by persons under 18 years of age;
Product prices include all taxes
Zino Davidoff
The beginning
Zino Davidoff is perhaps the most famous
person in the cigar world. He was born in
1906 in Kiev, to a family of seasoned
When his family had to leave Kiev they
settled down in Geneva, Switzerland, where
they continued their profession by running a
specialist tobacconist shop.
As a young man Zino travelled to South &
Central America where he learned everything
there is to know about tobacco from scratch.
It was then that he ded
Mid-20th Century
Renowned Legacy
After his return to Geneva he took over his
father’s shop and started to influence the
cigar world. It was then that he invented the
humidor, to ensure that his customers could
enjoy cigars in perfect condition.
The famous Chateau Series of cigars (today
known as Davidoff Grand Cru) was the
beginning of his own cigar brand – “Davidoff”.
In 1991, Zino Davidoff decided to take up the
production of his cigars in the Dominican
A Diverse Selection of Davidoff Cigars
Sydney Cigar House offers an extensive range of Davidoff cigars, each with its own unique characteristics and flavour profiles. Whether you prefer a mild, medium, or full-bodied smoke, our collection has something to satisfy every palate.
Here are some of the most popular Davidoff cigar lines available at Sydney Cigar House:
Davidoff Signature Series
After Davidoff switched its production from Cuba to the Dominican Republic, the Signature line was born. The ultimate goal was to craft the most refined cigars available on the market.
Many things were tried and optimised until the Signature line had the appearance it has today.
It features some of the most renowned and beloved Davidoff cigars, such as the No. 2 and the 2000.
Davidoff Grand Cru Series
The Grand Cru line is the successor of Zino Davidoff’s original Château Series, which was inspired by his wine–cigar analogy in
This analogy was the world’s first reference to the similarities between the growing and production of wine with that of a cigar;
both products being fundamentally influenced by soil and climate.
Today, the name Grand Cru is still a reference to the world of wine. Grand Cru cigars feature a blend of three different fillers,
much like a Bordeaux and Meritage wine is a blend of three different grapes.
The Grand Cru offers a range of mild formats. The flavour profile is rich with many aromas.
Davidoff Aniversario Series
As Zino Davidoff would concur, life’s happy occasions and hard-won successes should not pass without celebration. The
Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 was launched on the occasion of Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986. Still today, the Aniversario is
the ideal cigar to fill special times beautifully.
Aniversario celebrates special occasions with special formats that are otherwise rarely found.
Davidoff Millennium Series
The Davidoff Millennium line was launched in 2001. All its formats are made with a wrapper from Ecuador, which is the result of a new creation: a hybrid plant from a crossing of various seeds with Connecticut seeds, developed by Davidoff over many years with local farmers in Ecuador. The wrapper is called 151. The Master Blenders did 300 trials to create the best wrapper conceivable. Trial No. 151 was selected to meet their high standards and expectations.
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
The idea behind Davidoff Nicaragua was to create a new and diverse cigar blend that would stimulate both the bitter and
sweet taste buds. The search for the highest quality tobaccos for this blend took place in the world's most renowned
tobacco regions.
After finding the right components, it took a lot of preparation, curing and ageing to refine and perfect the various parts. The
wilder tendencies of the Nicaraguan tobaccos were "tamed", to deliver a blend with all the intensity, excitement and
refined sophistication you would expect from Davidoff.
Davidoff Escurio Series
The Davidoff Escurio is the first cigar by Davidoff that uses Brazilian tobacco in its blend. Normally Brazilian tobaccos lead to cigars that are sweet but not very complex. It took the expertise of the Davidoff Master Blenders to create a cigar with a Brazilian soul, but with the complexity and sophistication that Davidoff cigars are famous for.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
The Yamasá region in the Dominican Republic is a harsh and unforgiving swampland, where others tried and failed to grow tobacco.
The Davidoff Master Blenders believed that if cultivated and nurtured properly, the land would live up to its potential and produce tobacco of unprecedented aromas and an astonishingly long aftertaste.
After many hardships and 20 years of hard work, they finally succeeded and were able to present the world with a unique cigar that could not have been created any other way.
The dark was where Sir Winston found his spark. He was a man who found the night a source of inspiration. His powers of creativity did not dim when the street lamps did.
Now Davidoff celebrates this facet of his character with a special cigar: Winston Churchill «The Late Hour Series».
The blend of Winston Churchill «The Late Hour Series» contains Condega visus tobacco which was aged in scotch single malt
whisky casks.
Sir Winston Churchill was a man of many facets.
Every character has a unique taste profile and an outstanding complexity that resembles the complex character of Churchill
Why Choose Sydney Cigar House for Your Davidoff Cigars?
At Sydney Cigar, we understand that selecting the perfect cigar is a personal journey. Our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to helping you find the ideal Davidoff cigar that matches your preferences and tastes. Here are a few reasons why Sydney Cigar is the best place to buy Davidoff cigars:
1. Wide Selection
Our extensive range of Davidoff cigars ensures that you'll find the perfect blend to suit your palate.
2. Quality Assurance
We guarantee the authenticity and quality of every Davidoff cigar we sell, so you can shop with confidence.
3. Expert Advice
Our team of cigar enthusiasts is always on hand to provide recommendations and insights, ensuring you have the best smoking experience.
4. Convenience
Enjoy the convenience of shopping for Davidoff cigars online, with fast and reliable shipping across Australia.
Visit our store in Sydney and find the perfect cigar to suit your taste.
Why Davidoff?
Davidoff is a brand, not an origin like Cuba or Nicaragua. This means that we are not restricted to a few tobacco varieties but can use tobacco from all over the world.
With unmatched expertise in blending, Davidoff creates the most exciting and intriguing blends that deliver taste experiences for every palate.
Apart from the quality of the cigars (appearance, combustion, draw), Davidoff takes pride in the consistency of their products.
This consistency is achieved through careful planning, monitoring, and a controlled growing and production process.
Davidoff guarantees that their cigars will deliver the same exceptional experience every time.
Davidoff cigars are never one-dimensional. Each blend delivers a perfect balance of flavour, intensity, and complexity.
This level of sophistication makes Davidoff a leading cigar authority, with a reputation second to none.
Davidoff follows a “crop to shop” philosophy, maintaining control and consistency throughout the production process.
With 170 production steps and 300 manual operations, each Davidoff cigar meets demanding quality standards.
Taste is subjective, and Davidoff acknowledges that different people have different preferences. However, they ensure that their cigars meet objective quality factors, such as:
- Appearance (oily, shiny wrapper)
- Ideal combustion
- Perfect draw
These factors are why Davidoff cigars never disappoint.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Davidoff cigars unique?
Davidoff cigars are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship, premium tobacco blends, and meticulous attention to detail. Each cigar is handcrafted using aged tobaccos from the finest plantations in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and other top regions. The result is a consistently superior experience that is smooth, flavorful, and refined.
How should I store my Davidoff cigars to maintain their quality?
To preserve the quality of your Davidoff cigars, store them in a humidor at a consistent humidity level of around 70% and a temperature of 18-21°C. This environment helps maintain the cigars’ moisture content, ensuring they stay fresh and flavorful.
What is the best way to cut and light a Davidoff cigar?
To cut a Davidoff cigar, use a sharp cigar cutter to make a clean cut just above the cap. For lighting, use a butane lighter or wooden match to evenly toast the foot of the cigar, then gently puff while rotating the cigar to achieve an even burn. Avoid using petrol lighters, as they can impart unwanted flavours.
Are Davidoff cigars suitable for beginners?
Davidoff cigars offer a range of blends suitable for different experience levels. For beginners, we recommend starting with the Davidoff Signature Series, known for its mild to medium-bodied profile and smooth, creamy flavours. Our knowledgeable staff can also provide personalised recommendations based on your preferences.
How long do Davidoff cigars typically last?
The smoking time for a Davidoff cigar depends on its size and format. On average, a Davidoff cigar can last between 30 minutes to over an hour. Larger formats like Churchill or Double Corona tend to provide a longer smoking experience, while smaller formats like Petit Corona or Robusto offer a shorter duration.
Toast to your successes. Relax with friends. Enjoy the slow burn of the moment. Our cigars are for any occasion.
Our Stores
We have three purpose-fitted brick & mortar stores open to the public across Bondi-Junction, the Strand Arcade, and Haymarket.
Bondi Junction
Opening Hours
Mon | Closed |
Tue | 11:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Wed | 11:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Thur | 11:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Fri | 11:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Sat | 11:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Sun | 11:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Opening Hours
Mon | 10:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Tue | 10:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Wed | 10:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Thur | 10:00 am – 07:00 pm |
Fri | 10:00 am – 07:00 pm |
Sat | 10:00 am – 07:00 pm |
Sun | 10:00 am – 07:00 pm |
Strand Arcade
Opening Hours
Mon | 10:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Tue | 10:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Wed | 10:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Thur | 10:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Fri | 10:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Sat | 10:00 am – 06:00 pm |
Sun | 11:00 am – 05:00 pm |